Musical Director

Michaela Slamka Johnston

The Big Chicken Chorus is proud to welcome Michaela as our new Musical Director.

Michaela comes to us as a 4th generation Barbershopper and a 3rd generation quartet champion. Her grandfather (Jack), father (Mike), uncle (Mark), and second cousin (Don) were BHS 2003 International Champions, Power Play. Father (Mike) was also the Lead of 2009 International Champion Quartet, Crossroads. Her sister Madison Riviere is the Lead of the current Sweet Adelines International (SAI) 4th place quartet.

Michaela is also a Queen of Harmony with SAI, as the Tenor of 2019 International Championship Quartet, Class Ring!. Class Ring began their winning ways as 2014 SAI Rising Star Champions.

Michaela is also a member of Double Date (tenor), a two time (2014 & 2016) Champion of the BING! World Mixed Voice contest held annually in Germany.

She is currently the Baritone of Dynasty, the 2024 2nd Place SAI quartet.

In addition to her performance successes, Michaela holds degrees in Music Education and Music Theory and has taught elementary music for 5 years.

Michaela is married to Nathan Johnston, Baritone of 2022 International Champion Quartet, Quorum and fellow member of Double Date. The Johnston's have two children, Miles (4) and Jeneviere (1).
Copyright © 2025 Big Chicken Chorus