Office Bearers

Board of Directors


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Executive Vice President:

Ben Gillam


The Executive VP is the primary assistant to the current President and has agreed to become the next President of the Marietta, GA Chapter.
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Immediate Past President:

Rob Rhodes


The Chapter President prior to the current Chapter President.
More details about this position
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VP of Music & Performance:

David Privitera


David is the administrative musical leader of the Big Chicken Chorus and the Music Team. This is the senior most VP of the Chapter. He has responsibility for administering the entire musical program of the chorus.
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VP Membership:

Frank Hrach


VP Membership has responsibility for the care and training of guests, new members, and sustaining members. He must be well steeped in the culture and lore of the Chapter, District, and Society.
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Hal Freshour


The Secretary is the record keeper for the chapter. He also has responsibility for corresponding with Dixie District and with the Barbershop Harmony Society.
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Barry Munz


The Treasurer is responsible for keeping all financial records for the chapter.
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VP Programs:

Jeff Hoffman


The VP of Programs controls the format of our Monday evening rehearsals, not controlled by the Music Director. This would include the recognition of guests, announcement of recent birthdays and anniversaries of members, introduction of the business meeting and any non-Chapter speakers or entertainers.
More details about this position
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Board Member at Large:

John Hopper


The Board Member at Large is charged with continually "taking the pulse" of the members of the chapter to determine their opinion of the Board's performance.

Chorus Administration


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Show Chairman:

Rob Rhodes


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Steve Durdin


Webmaster has total responsibility for assuring that the website and it associated member services are running correctly all the time.
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Jeff Hoffman


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Chorus Business Manager:

Rick French


The Chorus Business Manager is the person who is the contact for any and all bookings for the Big Chicken Chorus, Chicken Little, and for any quartet performance requests that may come to the chorus. All bookings are negotiated by the Chorus Business Manager, who manages the process by coordinating with the Music Team and the Board of Directors.

Membership Team


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VP Membership:

Frank Hrach


VP Membership has responsibility for the care and training of guests, new members, and sustaining members. He must be well steeped in the culture and lore of the Chapter, District, and Society.

Marketing Team


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VP Marketing/PR:

Frank Hrach


Social Media:
Currently unfilled
Copyright © 2024 Big Chicken Chorus